Nutrition Facts Serving Size 1 egg 50g Servings Per
Last updated: 2/18/2023

Nutrition Facts Serving Size 1 egg 50g Servings Per Container 12 Amount Per Serving Calories 70 Total Fat 5g Saturated Fat 1 5g Polyunsaturated Fat 1g Monounsaturated Fat 2g Trans Fat Og Cholesterol 185mg Sodium 70mg Potassium 70mg Total Carbohydrate Og Protein 6g Vitamin A 6 Calcium 2 Vitamin D 10 Riboflavin 10 Folate 6 Phosphorus 10 Calories from Fat 45 Daily Value 8 8 60 3 2 0 13 Vitamin C 0 Iron 4 Thiamin 0 Vitamin B6 4 Vitamin B12 8 Zinc 4 Nutrition Facts Serving Size 1 2 tsp 2 5mL Amount Per Serving Calories 0 Total Fat Og Trans Fat Og Cholesterol 0mg Calories from Fat 0 Daily Value 0 Sodium 160mg Total Carbohydrate 100mg Protein 310mg Vitamin A 0 Calcium 0 0 6 0 Vitamin C 0 Iron 0 1 Danielle notices that protein is measured differently on the two Nutrition Facts labels Knowing that 1 g 1000 mg what can Danielle learn about the protein quantity of one serving of liquid amino acid as compared to one whole egg 2 Approximately how many teaspoons of liquid amino acid would Danielle need to eat every day to receive the amount of protein in one egg Notice that the nutrition information for this product is for a tsp serving 3 Looking at the Nutrition Facts label what other important nutrients besides protein will Danielle find in an egg that are not present in her amino acid supplement 4 What is the sodium content of an egg compared to one serving of the liquid amino acid product 5 According to information in this chapter what is the safest way for Danielle to obtain the protein and amino acids she needs Why