
O Macmillan Learning How old are women when they have their

Last updated: 10/6/2023

O Macmillan Learning How old are women when they have their

O Macmillan Learning How old are women when they have their first child The table displays the distribution of the age of the mother for all firstborn children in the United States in 2017 Age Count Age Count 10 14 years 1 892 30 34 years 329 623 15 19 years 162 536 35 39 years 124 637 20 24 years 395 927 40 44 years 24 049 25 29 years 417 162 45 49 years 2 377 The number of firstborn children to mothers under 10 or over 50 years of age represent a negligible percentage of all first births and are not included in the table In which age classes do the median and quartiles fall Be sure to give all three values before checking your answer Q median Q3 45 49 years 35 39 years 30 34 years 10 14 years Answer Bank 20 24 years 30 34 years 40 44 years 15 19 years 25 29 years 35 39 years 45 49 years