of the voltmeter ww 1 300 V 2 900 3 200 4 400 V 1 0V 34 2
Last updated: 6/9/2023

of the voltmeter ww 1 300 V 2 900 3 200 4 400 V 1 0V 34 2 1501 34 3 1501 64 4 0V 84 10 In the circuit shown in figure neglecting source resistance the voltmeter and ammeter reading will respectively will be R 3002 2 12 100V moooooo 100V 200V 100 Hz vvvvvvv X 2502 X 2502 11 0 An ac source of angular frequency is fed across a resistor r and a capacitor C in series The current registered is 1 If now the frequency of the source is changed to co 3 but maintaining the same voltage the current in the circuit is found to be halved Calculate the ratio of reactance to resistance at the original frequency 00 240 V For a series RLC circuit R XL 2Xc The impedance of the circuit and phase difference between V and i will be 1 VR tan 2 2 tan 3 5Xc ta 2 4 5R tan 1 13 In the adjoining ac circuit the voltmeter whose reading will be zero at resonance is 0000000 L 1 V 2 V 3 V 3 14 A constant voltage at different frequencies is applied across a capacitance C as shown in the figure Which of the following graphs Signal Generator 1 V ww R V Correctly depicts the variation of current with frequency k 0