oil alall Auflab 3 How does initial allele frequency affect
Last updated: 2/28/2023

oil alall Auflab 3 How does initial allele frequency affect the chances of that allele being lost or fixed by genetic drift 30 olm mit Set up driftR with zero mutation rate fitness of all three genotypes 1 migration rate 0 number of populations 50 population size 100 and 200 generations Now see how initial allele frequency affects the likelihood that an allele will be lost or fixed by drift Start with an allele at frequency 0 1 and work your way up to 0 9 Each time you run the simulation keep track of the results in a table like the one below Initial p Percent of initial populations where allele Percent of initial populations where allele A was lost funA was fixed 100 Looking at those results Jogoq 250b s booditg il sdt 1911s oxie nouslugon Siihh oftensy d Jaut omil 15 vo voruuport alolls oqa tadi boodig a How does initial allele frequency affect the likelihood that an allele will be lost from a population just by genetic drift Again this might be clearest if you graph initial allele frequency on the x axis against the dependent variable of interest on the y axis dsdt bootlikselil orts 152 sie no ucorp2ob well d