
olic rate the rate at which the body consumes is important

Last updated: 9/17/2023

olic rate the rate at which the body consumes is important

olic rate the rate at which the body consumes is important in studies of weight gain dieting and se The table displays data on the lean body mass and metabolic rate for 12 women and 7 men who are Is in a study of dieting Lean body mass given in ams is a person s weight after taking out all fat lic rate is measured in kilocalories Cal burned per rs the same calories used to describe the energy I of foods Researchers believe that lean body mass important influence on metabolic rate ubject Sex Mass kg Rate Cal 1 M 62 0 1792 M 62 9 1666 F 36 1 995 F 54 6 1425 F 48 5 1396 6 F 42 0 1418 7 M 47 4 1362 8 F 50 6 1502 9 F 42 0 1256 10 M 48 7 1614 11 F 40 3 1189 12 F 33 1 913 13 M 51 9 1460 14 F 42 4 1124 F 34 5 1052 16 F 51 1 1347 17 F 41 2 1204 18 M 51 9 1867 9 M 46 9 1439 2 3 4 5 15 s the complete data set click the link for your software format cel JMP Mac TXT Minitab14 18 18 PC TXT R SPSS TI CrunchIt y mass and resting metabolic rate have been ed in the table as Mass and Rate respectively Macmillan Learning Make a scatterplot of the data for the female subjects Which is the explanatory variable rate O subject number mass sex Explain why the subject number is not part of the scatterplot O Subject number is an index variable and thus contains no data A scatterplot cannot graph more than one categorical variable A scatterplot cannot display numbers without units O The subject number is not appropriate to graph the subjects were anonymous