Online Mock Test Series for NEET 2020 30 Three mole of an
Last updated: 6/13/2023

Online Mock Test Series for NEET 2020 30 Three mole of an ideal gas is taken through the process ABC as shown in the figure The total work done by the gas is T 27 To P 1 2 RT In2 3 12 RTD In2 E 3 B 31 A particle of mass 10 g is executing SHM according to the equation y 4 sin 4t 1 3 having time period T Kinetic energy of the particle at t T 4 will be 1 9 6 unit 3 1 92 unit 32 A uniform ladder of mass m 40 kg rests against a smooth vertical wall making an angle 30 with horizontal The lower end of ladder rests on a 2P 112 114 8P 2 4 RT In2 4 4 RT In2 rough floor having An electrician having mass 80 kg attempt to climb the ladder to repair house wiring Fraction of length than can be encountered by the electrician before the ladder begins to slip will be 2 0 48 unit 4 0 96 unit 2 1 33 The equation for a wave travelling in x direction on a stretched string is given by y 5 cm sin 2x cm x 100 s f Acceleration of a particle at x 8 cm and t 0 11 s will be 1 1 20 cm s 2 10x cm s 4 Zero 3 5x cm s 34 Two bodies of mass m and M are revolving under the gravitational force of each other If they are moving in circular orbits of radii r and R respectively then which of the following option is correct GMm GMm R r 2 3 mo r E 413 respectively then will be 4 1 3 4 35 An organ pipe X open at one end vibrating in its first overtone is in resonance with another organ pipe Y open at both end vibrating in its third overtone These pipes have lengths and 12 Medica IT IR Mo R 1 10 m s 3 2 5 m s 2 ations GMm R 4 Test 13 Code A me R GMm rR N 318 516 36 The potential energy of a particle having mass 1 kg is given by U 4x 3y Joule where x and y are in metre If the particle was at rest at 16 6 at time t 0 then speed of the particle when it crosses x axis will be me r 2 5 m s 4 15 m s 37 Electromagnetic wave of intensity 1800 W m falls on a completely absorbing spherical surface having radius R as shown in the figure R 3 cm Force exerted by beam on the sphere is 1 108 10 10 N 2 54 x x 10 10 N 3 216 10 10 N 4 Zero 38 Three waves of equal frequency having amplitudes 12 4 and 8 unit meet at a point with successive phase difference of Amplitude of resulting wave will be 1 24 unit 2 12 2 unit 4 20 unit 3 4 2 unit 39 The rate of emission of heat by a black body at temperature T is Q Rate of emission of heat by another body having emissivity half unit and same surface area at temperature 3T is 1 81 Q 3 33 5 Q 2 9 Q 4 40 5 Q