
Oxidation and reduction process involves the transaction of

Last updated: 7/3/2023

Oxidation and reduction process involves the transaction of

Oxidation and reduction process involves the transaction of electrons Loss of electrons is oxidation and the gain of electrons is reduction It is thus obvious that in a redox reaction the oxidant is reduced by accepting the electrons and the reductant is oxidised by losing electrons The reactions in which a species disproportionate into two oxidation states lower and higher are called disproportionation reactions In electrochemical cells redox reaction is involved i e oxidation takes place at anode and reduction at cathode Which one of the following is an example for disproportionation reaction Select an answer A MgO H O Mg OH 2 B C D P4 30H 3H O PH3 3H PO S O SO2 Zn CuSO4 ZnSO4 Cu