Paper 1 Molecular screening and characterization of
Last updated: 9/2/2023
Paper 1 Molecular screening and characterization of Legionella pneumophila associated free living amoebae in domestic and hospital water systems Complete the forms below one for figure 1 and one for figure 4 Experimental question for this figure In your own words what is the experimental question for the figure panel Be as precise and specific as possible Techniques For the panel selected describe ALL of the techniques assays that are being used Controls Experimental Variables Each technique above should have appropriate controls and variables but if not state what controls were missing Explain what they are and what they are controlling for or testing if present Results in your own words Look at the data and describe what you see in your own words Try not to use the text from the results section Be specific and precise Be quantitative if possible Make comparisons between controls and experimental variables if applicable Descriptive title In your own words provide a descriptive title for these data This is often the conclusion that is made from the experiment What is the next question you would ask based on these results What is an appropriate experiment to answer this question Write or diagram specific experimental details for the next experiment Enough detail explained below must be given to fully understand the experimental design Explain what the experimental question is and what your hypothesis is based on the previous results What sorts of controls and experimental variables would be included