
Paragraph for question nos 14 Katrina and Kareena were

Last updated: 6/30/2023

Paragraph for question nos 14 Katrina and Kareena were

Paragraph for question nos 14 Katrina and Kareena were crossing a river which is flowing towards right at constant speed 5 m min travelling in two different boats having same speed in still water They have taken photographs of the river banks at t 0 t T t 2T times Bo Co are two trees on other bank of river Distance shown in diagram are in m T 1 min Photograph taken by Katrina Bo t 0C B t TC Box t 2T Co 10 3 5 303 Bo 15 3 15 3 Photograph taken by Kareena t 0 0 Co Bo 10 3 t t Con B O 5 31 t 2T Co O 14 Mark correct option b Katrina s boat has crossed the river in minimum time and Kareena s boat has crossed the river along the shortest path b Kareena s boat has crossed the river in minimum time and Katrina s boat has crossed the river along the shortest path c Kareena s Boat as well as Katrina s boat has crossed in the minimum time d None of these 15 What is the distance between B and C a 10 m b 30 3 c 30 m d None of these 16 Mark the correct option a Velocity of boat in still water will be 10 m min b Velocity of boat in still water will be 10 3 m min