Paragraph X In an experiment to determine charge to mass
Last updated: 6/6/2023

Paragraph X In an experiment to determine charge to mass ratio of electron using a cylindrical diode we use following equations 8V mr B V potential difference across diode of radius r i B magnitude of critical magnetic field when electron pass undeviated ii B Honl 1 D 1 n number of turns per metre length of solenoid I current in solenoid D diameter of solenoid and L length of solenoid Experimental observations are n 3920 turns in 1 m D 0 035 0 001 m L 0 120 0 001 m r 34 0 1 x 10 m I 1 92 0 02 A and V 20 1 V 15 Error occurred in magnitude of magnetic field is a 1 b 2 c 3 16 Error in value of e m of electron is a 2 b 4 c 6 d 4 d 8 Paragraph A A thick spherical shell of charge Q and uniform volumetric charge density p has inner and outer radii and respectively Take potential at infinity is zero also r and r 3r 17 Potential at a point distant 2r from centre is a 15 pr E b 25 pr 0 c 3 5 pr Ep d 45 pr Ep b 2pr d 4 pr Eo 18 Potential at a point inside the shell at distance 0 5 r from centre is a pr E c 3 pr 1