
Part I Imagine you are hired to consult on different types

Last updated: 3/14/2023

Part I Imagine you are hired to consult on different types

Part I Imagine you are hired to consult on different types of organizational structures for a mid sized company with 135 employees In 3 5 sentences describe the company the company product and or service industry and geographical service area Be creative this is a very flexible assignment designed to allow you to select any type of product or service industry that you would like to explore Choose a company that would work well with this scenario and learning activity Refer to the information of Chapter 7 of Introduction to Business for more information on organizational structures before you begin Part II Begin by briefly explaining the following structures 1 Traditional departmentalization 2 Matrix 3 Committee and 4 Team based Part III Compare the advantages and disadvantages for each organizational structure and identify which structure you recommend for their specific business Be sure your answer refers to their specific product and or service industry the