Passage III It has been proposed for several decades that
Last updated: 5/17/2023

Passage III It has been proposed for several decades that plants found in rainforests and jungles may harbor compounds that act as natural antibiotics or natural inhibitors of virus replication Viruses such as hepatitis C virus HCV are large contributors to illness and death around the world HCV in particular is infamous for causing diseases of the liver and HCV has no vaccine In a recent study researchers isolated compounds from Brazilian plants such as Maytenus ilicifolia and Peperomia blanda These compounds were then used to test if they inhibited HCV replication in at least two cell lines the examples being a liver cell line Huh 7 5 cells and another cell line JFH1 cells used as a positive control In their experiment researchers added several test compounds they isolated from the plants to the HCV infected cell lines and tested to see if the HCV virus replicated in the cells 48 hours after incubation The researchers experimented with several concentrations of the compounds to determine what concentration stopped HCV in 50 of the infected cell opulation this value is known as EC The researchers so found the maximum concentration for each compound here the maximum amount of HCV replication was stopped ithout adverse effects on the cell lines and the percent hibition occurring at that maximum amount This data is mmarized in Table 1 Compound APS 3 43 3 20 5 362 3 4 3 Set Three EC UM 2 3 4 0 8 2 38 9 Table 1 Maximum concentration m 50 12 5 25 50 Mhaiches Huh 7 5 cells 100 92 87 68 Inhibition JFH1 cells 96 100 100 38 11 APS was isolated from Maytenus ilicifolia while the other 3 compounds were isolated from Peperomia blanda A researcher hypothesized that the compound from Maytenus ilicifolia would be superior in stopping HCV replication in the liver for both the EC and the maximum concentration Given the data in Table 1 is this hypothesis correct A Yes APS had both the lowest EC value and the lowest Huh 7 5 inhibition value at maximum concentration B No APS had the 2nd lowest EC value and the highest Huh 7 5 inhibition value at maximum concentration C Yes APS had the highest Huh 7 5 inhibition value at maximum concentration and the lowest EC value D No APS had the highest EC value and the highest Huh 7 5 inhibition value at maximum concentration 12 Do the results of the experiment support the hypothesis that the 5 362 compound inhibits Huh 7 5 cells more than JFH1 cells F Yes the EC value of the 5 362 compound is 38 9 indicating that it affected the experimental variable more than the control variable G Yes the percent inhibition of Huh 7 5 cells is greater for the compound 5 362 than the inhibition of JFH1 cells for the same compound H No the maximum concentration of the 5 362 com pound is the same as the control indicating no effect on the inhibition of either cell J No the percent inhibition of JFH1 cells is greater than the percent inhibition of Huh 7 5 cells contra dicting the hypothesis 13 Do the results of Table 1 support the hypothesis that HCV was affected by the compounds A Yes because HCV replication was inhibited B Yes because HCV replication was not inhibited C No because HCV replication was inhibited D No because HCV replication was not inhibited 4 14 A set of researchers found that 50 of the infected cell population is only inhibited at a concentration of any inhibiting compound of 12 5 M This observation contradicts evidence in what part of the table F The column labeled EC which shows that different compounds stopped HCV in 50 of the infected cell population at different concentrations G The column labeled EC which shows that different compounds affect different percentages of the infect ed cell population from 2 3 to 38 9 H The column labeled maximum concentration which shows that HCV is inhibited by most compounds at a concentration of 50 M J The column labeled maximum concentration which shows that different compounds had different max imum concentrations where the maximum amount of HCV replication was stopped without adversely affecting the cells 15 A student hypothesized that HCV was most adversely affected by the compound 5 362 Does the data in the table support this hypothesis A Yes because the table shows that the EC and max imum concentration of the compound 5 362 are the highest B Yes because the percent inhibition for both Huh 7 5 cells and JFH1 cells are highest in the row labeled 5 362 C No because the table indicates that the compound APS most adversely affects HCV not the compound 5 362 D No because the table shows that a lower concentra tion of 5 362 is needed to stop HCV in 50 of the population than the other compounds