Passage III The Carlingford Igneous Centre CIC was a site of
Last updated: 5/10/2023

Passage III The Carlingford Igneous Centre CIC was a site of volcanic activity in Ireland during the Ordovician Period that spanned 485 to 483 million years ago This type of volcanism is an example of bimodal volcanism in which both basalt and rhyolite magma are found in the core of the volcano This results in particularly violent eruptions Scientists studied the geological makeup of the CIC and discovered that this bimodal volcanism may be caused by the geological features of the rocks underneath the volcano Figure I illustrates a cross section of the rare earth element content of various CIC site Figure 2 shows the relationship between the niobium Nb and zirconium Zr content of crustal rocks found at the CIC site Volcanic activity can influence global climate and trigger cold events The injection of sulfur dioxide gas SO which is ultimately converted to sulfuric acid aerosol particles H SO scatters shortwave solar radiation and absorbs near infrared solar radiation and outgoing longwave terrestrial radiation This results in cooling of the troposphere and heating of the stratosphere Figure 3 shows the results of a study that examined the effect of erupting volcanoes on the number of cold events in Ireland 110 100 90 80 70 60 5 4 3 Set Three Key sites Figure 1 basalt rhyolite andesite trachyandesite 50 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 40 35 30 25 20 215 widd qN number of cold events 10 5 0 25 10 0 0 Oct Sep MS 100 X Nov Dec LC limestone 200 Jan Feb 300 Zr ppm Figure 2 fractionation Mar 12 contamination month Figure 3 Apr 400 total volcanic Key May non volcanic Jun 102 Jul 500 Aug 11 According to the information in Figure 1 as the cross sectional altitude of trachyandesite increases from Site 5 to Site 6 the amount of andesite A increases B remains the same C increases then decreases D decreases 12 According to Figure 3 as the number of volcanic events increases from 4 to 12 the overall number of cold events F increases only G decreases only H increases then decreases J decreases then increases dons 13 According to the information in Figure 3 does the total number of cold events depend on volcanic activity A Yes because as volcanic activity based cold events increase the total number of cold events increase B Yes because as volcanic activity based cold events increase the total number of cold events remain constant C No because as volcanic activity based cold events increase the total number of cold events increase No because as volcanic activity based cold events increase the total number of cold events remain constant D 14 According to Figure 1 as the cross sectional altitude of basalt decreases from Site 1 to Site 3 does the cross sectional altitude of rhyolite and andesite increase or decrease 04 F Rhyolite increases andesite increases G Rhyolite increases andesite decreases H Rhyolite decreases andesite increases J Rhyolite decreases andesite decreases 15 According to Figure 2 the relationship between Nb content and Zr content is best represented by A Nb 3 0 x Zr B Nb Zr 3 0 Zr C Nb 12 2 D Nb 12 2 x Zr END OF SET THE STOP DO NOT GO ON TO THE NEXT F UNTIL TOLD TO DO