
Peace of Mind Investments maintains a data base of companies

Last updated: 4/22/2023

Peace of Mind Investments maintains a data base of companies

Peace of Mind Investments maintains a data base of companies they recommend to clients interested in investing only in organizations with the highest ethical standards The most prominent companies listed in its data base are listed in the set S Cyberdine InGen LexCorp Omni Tyrell Umbrella Weyland Yutani A search of the database for companies that have contributed to charitable causes yields the subset I A Umbrella InGen Omni Cyberdine Another search this time for companies known for their low carbon footprints yields the subset B Cyberdine LexCorp A third search for companies whose boards of directors have earned awards for ethical standards yields C InGen Omni 1 Let P be the set of those companies whose boards of directors have earned awards for ethical standards and that have contributed to charitable causes Then n P 2 Let Q be the set of those companies that have contributed to charitable causes or known for their low carbon footprints Then n Q 3 Let R be the set of those companies whose boards of directors have not earned awards for ethical standards Then n R 4 Let T be the set of those companies known for their low carbon footprints and whose boards of directors have not earned awards for ethical standards Then n T Let C mi m is an odd integer with 3 m 3