
People who believe in biorhythms claim there are three

Last updated: 7/12/2022

People who believe in biorhythms claim there are three

People who believe in biorhythms claim there are three cycles that rule our behavior - the physical, emotional, and mental. Each is a sine function of a certain period. The function for our emotional fluctuations is E = sinπt/18 (Equation may not be based on actual studies.) where t is measured in days starting at birth. Emotional fluctuations, E, are measured from 1 to 1, with 1 representing peak emotional well-being, 1 representing the low for emotional well-being, and 0 representing feeling neither emotionally high nor low. a. Find E corresponding to t = 63, 72, 81, 90, and 99. Describe what you observe. b. What is the period of the emotional cycle? a. Find E corresponding to t = 63.