PHYSICS 35 The resistance of the metre bridge AB in given
Last updated: 6/18/2023

PHYSICS 35 The resistance of the metre bridge AB in given figure is 4 92 With a cell of emf 0 5 V and rheostat resistance R 2 2 the null point is obtained at some point J When the cell is replaced by another one of emf the same null point J is found for R 6 22 The emf is JEE Main 2019 A A M 6 V 1 0 6 V 3 0 3 V 36 A galvanometer having a resistance of 20 2 and 30 divisions on both sides has figure of merit 0 005 ampere division The resistance that should be connected in series such that it can be used as a voltmeter upto 15 volt is JEE Main 2019 1 100 2 2 125 2 3 80 2 4 120 2 37 In the circuit shown the potential difference between A and B is JEE Main 2019 592 WW 192 www 1 92 www R 2 0 5 V 4 0 4 V 192 N www 1 V 2 V HH 3 V 10 52 www B C B A 1 6 V 2 3 V 3 2 V 4 1 V 38 In the experimental set up of metre bridge shown in the figure the null point is obtained at a distance of 40 cm from A If a 10 2 resistor is connected in series with R the null point shifts by R R Divisions of Ask 1 60 2 3 40 2 39 The galvanometer deflection when key K is closed but K is open equal 8 see figure On closing K also and adjusting R to 5 9 the deflection in The resistance of the R 220 2 www galvanometer becomes galvanometer is then given by Neglect the internal resistance of battery JEE Main 2019 R akas Med ndations Service 42 ARCHIVE JEE Main 2 30 92 4 20 2 K B K ww 2 2592 4 12 2 In a meter bridge the wire of length 1 m has a non uniform cross section such that the variation dR dl of its resistance R with length is dl dR 1 Two equal resistances are connected as shown in the figure The galvanometer has zero deflection when the jockey is at point P What is the length AP JEE Main 2019 B