Plasma corticosterone ng mL 50 Undisturbed Tourist TAA ACTH
Last updated: 12/14/2022

Plasma corticosterone ng mL 50 Undisturbed Tourist TAA ACTH Saline 30 45 0 10 Time min 40 30 20 10 10 30 ACTH Saline Figure 3 Changes in corticosterone levels in Magellanic penguins in response to injection with either saline n 8 or ACTH n 8 Data are shown as mean values and error bars represent 1 standard error Difference between 0 0007 45 treatments at 45 minutes p difference between undisturbed and tourist p 0 009 Walker et al 2006 3 2 points The researchers induced a stress response by injecting ACTH into the penguins Why is this an appropriate induction in other words how is ACTH related to the stress response