Plastic Ocean ideo 1 What kind of trash was floating in the
Last updated: 4/19/2023

Plastic Ocean ideo 1 What kind of trash was floating in the Indian Ocean where there are no cruise ships tourist beaches etc 2 How many meters of plastic did the whale have that died on the beach 3 How many billions of oil is used to make plastic bottles 4 How much plastic does the average person use per year 5 What was causing his eyes to burn when he swam in Tasmania waters 6 What percent of land based garbage finds its way to the oceans 7 How many tons of trash is dumped into the ocean each year 8 What were some trash items they saw on the deep ocean floor 9 The trawling net for plankton caught what instead 10 Why are micro plastics toxic and what are even consuming them 11 Microbeads are found in what household items 12 Why do they say plastic breaks up not actually down 13 How do mircoplastics chemicals move up a food chain 14 Why do they burn plastic to cook food 15 Who was at fault for nurdles covering all the beaches like snow