
Please answer one 1 of the questions below in sentence

Last updated: 1/11/2023

Please answer one 1 of the questions below in sentence

Please answer one 1 of the questions below in sentence format in your own words 1 In your opinion what was the most important contribution that Canada made to the Allied victory in World War Two Your answer can either be a specific battle or another contribution Canada made to the overall war effort NV 2 In your opinion which was the most important front or theatre of fighting in World War Two for Canada Give at least two reasons for your answer You can compare your choice to other fronts of the Second World War if you like 3 In your opinion did Canada come out of World War Two a stronger and hore independent nation than before Give at least two reasons for your response As well as the material covered in class and the group project the following resources may help you with your response Canadian Military History WW2 Major battles and campaigns of WW2 Canada Response