Positive Catalase test Positive Micrococcus o Staphylococcus
Last updated: 5/26/2023

Positive Catalase test Positive Micrococcus o Staphylococcus Cocci Gram stain Tetrad Pediococcus Negative Cell division Negative Facultative Strict Common wort Megasphaera bacteria e g Chains Keys to common brewery bacteria Anaerobic requirements Streptococcus Alcaligenes Acinetobacter Multilateral budding Strong fermentation of glucose Dekkera Brettanomyces Saccharomyces Kluveromyces Torulaspoa Zygosaccharomyces Candida Positive Wort spoilage Negative Common wort bacteria Aerobe Rods McConkey agar growth Key to common brewery yeast Vegetative growth by Acetic acid bacteria Enterobacteriaceae including Obesumbacterium Positive Positive Bacillus w no or weak fermentation Acetic acid production obvious by smell Negative Spore Oxygen formation response catalase Facultative anaerobe Zymomonas Lactobacillus Negative Gram stain 14 Positive Negative Polar budding Hanseniaspora Kloeckera Growth on minimal medium with KNO as N source Williopsis Candida Debaromyces pichia Strict anaerobe Pectinatus Based on the key shown above what is the most likely identification for an organism that you isolated from some beer that is gram positive catalase negative and grows as rods Type in the bacterial genus OR abbreviated full name as given on the key spell and capitalization count Canvas ignores italics but formally the genus should also be italicized