
Professor Dingbat teaches two sections of economics class He

Last updated: 5/5/2023

Professor Dingbat teaches two sections of economics class He

Professor Dingbat teaches two sections of economics class He gave an exam to both sections The exam is for 50 points The data for the two sections was as follows Section A Section B Number of Students 34 31 Compute the test statistic Section Average Section Standard Deviation 9 57 4 86 Students in section B have been bragging that they are better at economics compared to students in section A Do the data provide evidence at 0 05 significance level that section B is better than section A What is the critical value 40 2 44 9 Write the null and alternative hypothesis relevant for the current problem se subscripts A and B instead of 1 and 2 where needed Write your answer in this box Write your answer in this box Write your answer in this box Based on the number you got above would you reject or not reject the null hypothesis at 5 level of significance Write your answer in this box Based on the test results would say that section B has bragging rights YES or NO