
Question 5 A CBS News poll conducted January 5 2017 among a

Last updated: 4/27/2023

Question 5 A CBS News poll conducted January 5 2017 among a

Question 5 A CBS News poll conducted January 5 2017 among a nationwide random sample of 906 adults asked those adults about their party affiliation Democrat Republican or none and their opinion of how the US economy was changing getting better getting worse or about the same The results are shown in the table below better same worse 132 64 15 88 167 186 none 135 44 75 Republican Democrat Use the two way table above please answer the following questions Please enter your answers as fractions They do not need to be reduced a What fraction of all survey respondents identified themselves as affiliated with neither party b What fraction of all survey respondents thought the economy was about the same c What fraction of the those affiliated with neither party thought the economy was about the same d Among all survey respondents who thought the economy was about the same what fraction were affiliated with neither party e What fraction of all survey respondents were affiliated with neither party and thought the economy was about the same Question Help Post to forum