
Question Number 158 Question Id 8135612078 Question Type MCQ

Last updated: 6/28/2023

Question Number 158 Question Id 8135612078 Question Type MCQ

Question Number 158 Question Id 8135612078 Question Type MCQ Display Questi Number Yes Is Question Mandatory No Single Line Question Option No Option Orientation Vertical The equilibrium constant for the reaction the A2 g B2 g 2AB g is K The equilibrium constant for the reaction 2AB g B2 g 2AB2 g is K Find the equilibrium constant K for the reaction AB2 g A2 g B2 g in terms of K K A2 g B2 g 2AB g 2AB g B g 2AB2 0 AB2 g 42 g B2 g og Options 1 N 2K K 4K K K K 0 500 50 K and Soo K K K d