r sure the com to or Please answers on a sep 1 Name the two
Last updated: 9/11/2023

r sure the com to or Please answers on a sep 1 Name the two most commonly used systems of measurement 2 What are the standard units for length and in the SI Metric system 3 List five common metric prefixes 4 Which of the following is an incorrect metric notation A 33 mm B 0 39 km C 34 000 km D 42 kPa 5 Convert the following values A One inch B 12 meters C 10 quarts D 12 milliliters E 400 pounds F 25 meters second G 68 F C millimeters yards liters fluid oz kilograms feet second 6 A point measures approximately inch of an of an inch 7 The pica is approximately 8 What are two devices commonly used to measure the point size of type 9 The amount of vertical space between lines of type is called 10 A ream of paper consists of 11 Name four common grades of paper 12 List the three ISO series for paper and envelopes and the uses for each series 3 What is the basis weight of paper mass sheets List four components of a typical desktop publishing system Image resolution is measured in