
Read the passage and answer the following question Simon

Last updated: 9/19/2023

Read the passage and answer the following question Simon

Read the passage and answer the following question Simon Jenkins was in a tight spot He was deeply wounded in enemy territory he crouched behind a short wall Though it was dark he could hear the enemy soldiers running around looking for him Shivering in pain and fear he clutched his wounded arm He looked up and asked himself how he was going to escape Suddenly he felt a hand on his shoulder Terrified he turned there was a smiling and familiar face It was one of his men Lieutenant Ray Diaz Simon was relieved but soon started wondering how they are going to escape Ray said he has a plan and smiled How does the story s conflict get resolved O Simon and Ray get trapped in enemy territory O Ray comes to rescue Simon O Simon stops feeling the pain after a while Ray treats his wound and makes him feel better Res Rese this Ques 1 5 9 F