Researchers examined a random sample of 331 patients who had
Last updated: 5/16/2023

Researchers examined a random sample of 331 patients who had recovered from traumatic brain injuries resulting in coma The patients were given an IQ test shortly after awakening from their coma Their average IQ score was 88 IQ scores are designed to be Normally distributed with mean 100 and standard deviation 15 in the general population Does the study provide evidence that patients who have recently recovered from a coma have a lower IQ score on average than the general population Evaluate carefully the information provided 1 Who what are the individuals studied 2 What is are the variable s described 3 What is the study s stated objective 4 The null hypothesis for the corresponding test is O Ho O Ho Hdiff 0 O Ho 88 O Ho 88 O Ho diff 12 O Ho diff 0 O Ho 100 O Ho 100 O Ho Pdiff 12