
rev The National Academy of Science reported that 32 of

Last updated: 10/22/2023

rev The National Academy of Science reported that 32 of

rev The National Academy of Science reported that 32 of research in mathematics is published by US authors The mathematics chairperson of a prestigious university wishes to test the claim that this percentage is no longer 32 He has no indication of whether the percentage has increased or decreased since that time He surveys a simple random sample of 295 recent articles published by reputable mathematics research journals and finds that 114 of these articles have US authors Does this evidence support the mathematics chairperson s claim that the percentage is no longer 32 Use a 0 05 level of significance Step 1 of 3 State the null and alternative hypotheses for the test Fill in the blank below Answer 2 Points Ho p 0 32 Ha P 0 32 Keypad Keyboard Shortcuts