
RoldGold pretzels are sold in bags of 16 ounces Actual

Last updated: 4/29/2023

RoldGold pretzels are sold in bags of 16 ounces Actual

RoldGold pretzels are sold in bags of 16 ounces Actual weights vary slightly from bag to bag and are normally distributed with mean A consumer advocacy group wants to see if there is any evidence that the mean weight is less than the advertised and so intend to test the hypotheses Ho 16 H 16 A Type I error in this situation would mean O concluding that the bags are not being underfilled when they actually aren t concluding that the bags are being underfilled when they actually aren t O concluding that the bags are not being underfilled when they actually are concluding that the bags are being underfilled when they actually are Page 9 of 10