s answer out of which only ONE OR MORE THAN ONE is are
Last updated: 6/2/2023

s answer out of which only ONE OR MORE THAN ONE is are correct Two parallel beams of light P and Q separation d containing radiation of wavelength 4000 and 5000 are incident normally on a prism as shown in figure The refractive index of the prism as a function of wavelength is b given by u 2 1 20 where 2 in and b is a 2 positive constant The value of b is such that the condition for total internal reflection of the face AC is satisfied for one wavelength and not for the other then sin 80 3 0 9856 A The value of b 8 x 10 15 m B Deviation of beam transmitted through face AC is 27 2 C The value of b 4x10 5 m 2 D Deviation of beam transmitted through face AC is 38 7 P A B A sin 0 8