
Scenario 2 During a routine physical exam for participation

Last updated: 4/30/2023

Scenario 2 During a routine physical exam for participation

Scenario 2 During a routine physical exam for participation in intramural sports the physician noted that Angelo a twelve year old boy had a long continuous heart murmur at the second intercostal space near the left sternal border When questioned the patient s mother recalled that Angelo had periods of cyanosis and breathlessness as an infant but that his previous pediatrician said that the murmur and the symptoms were nothing to be concerned about Angelo also mentioned that he tires easily during physical activity Chest films and Doppler ultrasound were ordered The radiographs indicated slight left ventricular hypertrophy and ultrasound revealed a patent ductus arteriosus Angelo was scheduled for surgery to ligate the ductus arteriosus The surgery resulted in successful ligation of the ductus arteriosus a What is cyanosis What is this an indication of b What is ventricular hypertrophy What structures are affected and what anatomical differences would you expect to be present C What is the ductus arteriosus Where is it located What structures does it connect d What was the function of the ductus arteriosus while in utero What does it become after birth e What could be some potential consequences or complications if the ductus arteriosu remained partially or fully opened after birth