se the reading on the front of this paper to answer the
Last updated: 5/15/2023

se the reading on the front of this paper to answer the questions below Each description below of the bolded terms from the reading Write the correct bolded term from the front of the paper on w with the matching description Some terms are used once more than once or not at all 1 Country that attacked the U S navy base of Pearl Harbor causing the U S to enter and fight in World War II 2 Turning point of the war for the U S in the Pacific Ocean 3 First Pacific island the U S was able to take back from the Japanese during the island hopping campaign 4 Type of bomb that can release a lot of destructive force when two atoms are split 5 Where the U S would be fighting the Japanese for most of World War II 6 Part of the world that Japan is located in 7 How the U S would reach and defeat Japan at the beginning of the war Involved attacking and taking over islands controlled by Japan then using those islands to launch attacks against the next nearest island 8 The secret government program that figured out how to make bombs by splitting atoms 9 First Japanese city to be hit by an atomic bomb 10 Second Japanese city to be hit with an atomic bomb 11 Name of the two atomic bombs that would be dropped on Japanese cities 12 TWO islands that the U S took over that were close enough to Japan that U S bombers could take off and drop bombs on Japanese cities 13 Japan attacked this U S navy base causing the U S to fight in World War II 14 U S president that decided to use the atomic bombs and have them dropped on Japanese cities 15 Battle that involved the U S stopping the Japanese from taking over a U S island as well as the U S sinking four Japanese aircraft carriers