
Side by Side til recently the Zika virus was a rare and mild

Last updated: 9/20/2023

Side by Side til recently the Zika virus was a rare and mild

Side by Side til recently the Zika virus was a rare and mild public Ith concern and little was known about it In early 2015 zil reported an epidemic of Zika viral infection Reports n followed of unusual numbers of neurological orders such as microcephaly in newborns a condition aracterized by a very small head and poor brain growth Macmillan Learning Explain why we cannot conclude from this information alone that Zika infections cause microcephaly in newborns O There may be a lurking variable that is increase in both Zika infections and mi in newborns It is not biologically plausible for the 2 cause brain issues for newborns One needs to conifirm that microceph defects occur before the Zika virus inf O Correlation and regression lines desc linear relationships so no conclusion be drawn