slits are of unequal width e slit on screen is four times
Last updated: 6/25/2023

slits are of unequal width e slit on screen is four times that only due to the other The screen is placed along axis as shown in figure screen distance between slits is d and that between the lits is D Match the statements in Column I with results lumn II D Column I i The distance between two points on the screen having equal intensities such that intensity at those points is abc d 1 th of maximum intensity 9 O ii The distance between two points on the screen having equal intensities such that intensity at those points is 3 th of maximum intensity int Screen a bcd iii The distance between two points on the screen having equal intensities such that intensity at those points is b Column II D 3d th of maximum intensity 9 mensity b d iv The distance between two d points on the screen having equal intensities such that D d C 2D d 3D d