
speed at which people complete routine tasks Fifteen

Last updated: 3/8/2023

speed at which people complete routine tasks Fifteen

speed at which people complete routine tasks Fifteen volunteers are asked to sort 100 red and white beads into two piles according to color once while listening to Handel s Water Music and once in silence the order music or silence first is determined for each subject by the flip of a coin Here are the data along with summary statistics in the last two columns Subject Handel Silence 16 Difference 2 Select one a We want to estimate the mean difference Silence Handel in time to sort the beads with and without music Which of the following is the appropriate 95 confidence interval b 1 C d e 2 3 4 15 17 21 18 17 20 15 3 0 1 2 0 4 2 145 0 4 1 96 41 96 1 96 19 0 18 6 2 145 0 4 2 145 1 96 15 5 67 13 18 21 17 22 1 1 1 96 14 1 96 5 04 5 13 15 15 8 9 10 24 15 25 27 14 3 1 3 11 12 22 30 22 20 32 2 13 14 15 13 15 16 15 13 17 2 1 18 6 19 0 0 4 5