
Sphincter valve that controls release of feces from rectum

Last updated: 5/19/2023

Sphincter valve that controls release of feces from rectum

Sphincter valve that controls release of feces from rectum Buymogoms Bung this lowers over the larynx to prevent food from entering the respiratory tract Vestigial structure which no longer plays a role in human digestion can become infected Entranceway for food and where food goes through first mechanical digestion During swallowing lifts to block the opening to the nasal passage so no food goes there The passageway shared by both food and air Oten called throat Second part of sm Intestine where digestion finishes chemical digestion of special carbs lactase sucrase maltase The last part of the large intestine stores faces until time for bowel movement Accessory organ produces enzymos lipase more amylase and trypsin Responsible for physical breakdown mechanical breakdown of food in mouth This muscular organ positions food for chewing mixes food with saliva pushes ball of food bolus down pharynx during swallowing Accessory organ that produces bile used to breakdown lipids into smaller droplets Food tube carries food from pharynx to stomach uses peristalsis movement First part of small Intestine most chemical digestion takes place here receives Juices from pancreas and gall bladder Organ responsible for removing water from waste houseS large of bacteria which help in digestion Stores food 4 6 hours Produces acid pepsin enzyme for protein digestion and mucus Produces saliva which contains water amylase and mucus Organ responsible for storing bile can be removed if blocked and inflamed Where absorption of nutrients takes place Contains finger like projections called villi absorption structures