
Study this circle graph and answer the questions that

Last updated: 7/15/2022

Study this circle graph and answer the questions that

Study this circle graph and answer the questions that follow. School Expenditures Lab fee 6% Materials fee 10% Books and lab manuals 16% Tuition 40% Tools 28% a. Which category represents the largest expenditure? b. Which category represents the smallest expenditure? c. If a student spent a total of $2500, how much of this went toward tools and lab fees combined? d. If a student spent $300 in material fees, how much would she spend on books and lab manuals? a. Which category represents the largest expenditure? Choose the correct answer below. O O O O O Materials fee Tuition Books and lab manuals Tools Lab fee b. Which category represents the smallest expenditure? Materials fee Lab fee Tuition Books and lab manuals Tools c. The student spent a total of $2500 so the combined amount that went towards tools and lab fees was. d. If a student spent $300 on materials, the amount spent on books and lab manuals was $