
Summarize how average spending patterns change with age. How

Last updated: 7/23/2022

Summarize how average spending patterns change with age. How

Summarize how average spending patterns change with age. How can comparing your own spending to average spending patterns help you evaluate your budget? Summarize how average spending patterns change with age. Choose the correct answer below. A. As people get older, they tend to spend more on food and entertainment than younger people. They also tend to spend less on housing than younger people. B. As people get older, they tend to spend more on health care and donations to charity than younger people. They also tend to spend less on personal insurance, pensions, clothing, and services than younger people. C. As people get older, they tend to spend more on transportation and housing than younger people. They also tend to spend less on health care. D. As people get older, they tend to spend more on clothing and services than younger people. They also tend to spend less on food and housing than younger people. How can comparing your own spending to average spending patterns help you evaluate your budget? A. It can be useful to check how you compare to the rest of the population. If you notice that most people donate less than you do to charity, it might be time to stop giving away so much. B. If you are spending a higher percentage of your money on an item in your budget than the average person, you might want to consider finding lower-cost options or adjusting your budget. C. It is a good idea to check how you compare to the rest of the population. If you find that people spend more than you on gas, you can give others advice on how to spend less. D. If you are spending a higher percentage of your money on entertainment than the average person, you might be able to find cheaper ticket prices if you ask around.