Test Calcium Phosphorus Alkaline phosphatase Total protein
Last updated: 6/29/2023

Test Calcium Phosphorus Alkaline phosphatase Total protein Albumin Vitamin B12 Folate the Schilling Xylose test Urine on Admission Albumin Glucose Blood RBC Result 15 065 210 50 28 100 221 42 43 5 excreted 1354 trace negative positive a Iron deficiency anemia b Vitamin B12 and Folate results c Urinary blood loss Reference Interval 21 2 62 mmol L 08 1 45 mmol 1 d Schilling test results 115 UL 6045 L 35 55 L The blood smear indicated macrcoytic red blood cells Which tests support the smear evaluation 166 738 pmd 1 475 2220 L 1 absorption 334 Brindh negative negative negative negative