
that oration Phi Delta Kappa PDK is an international

Last updated: 11/15/2023

that oration Phi Delta Kappa PDK is an international

that oration Phi Delta Kappa PDK is an international professional organization for edu Gallup has been conducting polls on the public s attitudes toward the public schools since 1969 The following was one of the questions on the most recent poll conducted June 4 13 2011 Most teachers in the nation now belong to unions or associations that bargain over salaries working conditions and the like Has unionization in your opinion helped hurt or made no difference in the quality of public school education in the United States The respondents answers broken down by party affiliation is shown below Republican Democrat Independent Helped Hurt Made no difference Don t know refused 35 197 52 6 Calculate P Republican Helped 146 78 105 12 Round your probabilities to 4 decimal places as needed Calculate P Republican 69 178 90 4 Using your answers above are believing that unionization helped the quality of public school education in the United States independent or dependent of being Republican Being Republican and believing that unionization helped the quality of public school education are O DEPENDENT since P Republican P Republican Helped O INDEPENDENT since P Republican P Republican Helped Republican P Republican Helped