
The ability to find a job after graduation is very important

Last updated: 10/20/2023

The ability to find a job after graduation is very important

The ability to find a job after graduation is very important to GSU students as it is to the students at most colleges and universities Suppose we take a poll random sample of 3870 students classified as Juniors and find that 3234 of them believe that they will find a job immediately after graduation Find the 90 confidence interval for the proportion of GSU Juniors who believe that they will immediately be employed after graduation Use Z1 645 Use the unrounded values in Excel to find the answers to 2 3 and 4 1 Find the sample proportion of GSU Juniors who believe that they will immediately be employed after graduation Fill in the blanks by selecting one option from each menu aby Part 1 3 points aby Part 2 3 points aby Part 3 3 points aby Part 4 3 points aby Part 5 3 points 15 points 2 The standard error for sample proportion has a value of 3 The margin of error has a value of 4 Find the 90 confidence interval for GSU Juniors who believe that they will immediately be employed after graduation