
The box plot and 5 number summary below displays the

Last updated: 6/7/2023

The box plot and 5 number summary below displays the

The box plot and 5 number summary below displays the percentage of Southwest airline flights that departed on time per day for 200 days in 2018 0 4 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 41 50 Min Q1 Median Mean Q3 Max 44 63 66 66 5 70 85 60 On time Percentage 70 For each statement below answer T if the statement is true and F is the statement is false Bold for emphasis you don t need to enter a bold letter just T or F The percentage of on time departures is right skewed A majority of the days have fewer than 66 5 of flights depart on time The percentage of on time departures is right skewed There are the same number of days in the sample with an on time departure percentage above 70 as days below 63 80 There are no days with an unusually low or high percent of flights that departed on time About 50 days in the cample had 70 or more flights donarton