The construction crew for a new house will dig a hole in the
Last updated: 8/14/2022

The construction crew for a new house will dig a hole in the shape of a rectangular prism for the house's foundation. The hole will be 51 ft long, 42 ft wide, and 12 ft deep. To haul away all of the dirt from the hole, a dump truck will take trips to a nearby landfill. The crew knows the amount of dirt the truck can hold each trip in cubic yards. (a) Find the volume of dirt that will be hauled away in cubic yards. Use the table of conversion facts, as needed. yd³ (b) Each trip, the truck can haul away 11 yd³ of dirt. To save gas, the crew wants to take as few trips as necessary to haul all of the dirt away. Since all of the dirt needs to be hauled away, the crew might have to take a partial load for one trip. How many trips are needed to haul away all of the dirt? Count each trip it makes the same, even if the truck isn't full. trips (c) If it costs $1225 for each trip that the truck makes, how much will it cost to haul away all the dirt? $0 Conversion facts for length 1 foot (ft) 12 inches (in) 1 yard (yd) 3 feet (ft) = 1 yard (yd) = 36 inches (in)