The data below shows the estimated population of a highly
Last updated: 12/28/2023

The data below shows the estimated population of a highly populated area of the United States during a period of 6 decades Decade Population in millions 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 10 6 13 16 19 7 24 2 29 8 36 7 3 Use a graphing calculator to find an exponential model that shows the relationship between the decades x since 1950 and the population y Use 0 for 1950 1 for 1960 4 How can you rewrite the exponential growth function in Exercise 3 to find the yearly growth rate 5 In 2015 Allie inherited land that was valued at 200 000 In 2016 the value of the land increased to 212 000 If this rate of increase continues what exponential model can you use to describe the increase in the value of the land over time