
The data in the table to the right are based on the results

Last updated: 7/18/2023

The data in the table to the right are based on the results

The data in the table to the right are based on the results of a survey comparing the commute time of adults to their score on a well being test Complete parts a through d below Click the icon to view the table of critical values of the correlation coefficient 110 0 60 70 Time min a Which variable is likely the explanatory variable and which is the response variable OA The explanatory variable is commute time and the response variable is the well being score because well being score affects the commute time score OB The explanatory variable is the well being score and the response variable is commute time because commute time affects the well being score OC The explanatory variable is the well being score and the response variable is commute time because well being score affects the commute time OD The explanatory variable is commute time and the response variable is the well being score because commute time affects the well being score b Draw a scatter diagram of the data Which of the following represents the data O A Q Q OB 70 60 0 Time min 110 Q Q C c Determine the linear correlation coefficient between commute time and well being score r Round to three decimal places as needed O C Time min 110 0 1 Commute Time in minutes 6 14 25 33 52 60 70 103 Score Well Being Score 69 2 70 68 3 67 7 67 4 66 5 66 3 63 7 O D Time min 70 60 0 Score 110