
The definitions below can help us classify any real number

Last updated: 5/27/2023

The definitions below can help us classify any real number

The definitions below can help us classify any real number as rational or irrational RATIONAL NUMBERS Can be written as a fraction terminating repeating decimals Square roots of perfect squares t 0 6 7 0 123456 0 33 an 20 1 75 HOMEWORK Classify each given value as rational or irrational Explain your choice in the last column VALVE RATIONAL OR IRRATIONAL EXPLANATION 12 121 TED IN CLASS IS ratinonal irrational rational rational irrational rational irrational irrational IRRATIONAL NUMBERS Cannot be written as a fraction non terminating non repeating decimals Square roots of non perfect squares can be written as fraction 12 can t be written as non infinite ded 20 can be written as ID is a fraction it s a non terminating it s a repeating decimal non terminating non repeating decimal