
The dismissal of Feng policy Zhou Yang the Party s cultural

Last updated: 10/19/2023

The dismissal of Feng policy Zhou Yang the Party s cultural

The dismissal of Feng policy Zhou Yang the Party s cultural chief decided Hu should intellectuals He was forced to make a formal self criticism in May be particularly singled out in this new cultural campaign against 1955 he was then denounced as a counter revolutionary by Mao He was dismissed from all his posts and imprisoned The CCP then widened the campaign into a general campaign against hidden campaigns counter revolutionaries Periodic attacks involving mass self criticism and imprisonment on intellectuals writers and artists then followed after 1955 culminating in the Cultural Revolution see Chapter 4 2 2 What were the main economic policies during the period 1949 55 Apart from various political steps the Communists also consolidated their rule by passing a series of economic and social reforms In 1949 when the CCP came to power most of China s economy was essentially a pre modern agricultural one The use of old fashioned basic agricultural equipment still predominated and the scarcity of arable land and inefficient farming methods along with a growing population had resulted in frequent famines before 1949 Since 1911 China s agriculture and industry had been greatly disrupted by civil and international war In both urban and rural areas there were serious food shortages In addition urban areas suffered from high inflation unemployment corruption gambling prostitution and drug addiction The CCP thus implemented economic policies designed to resolve some of these fundamental problems Early reforms 1949 52 The new government concentrated on policies for tackling the twin problems of providing sufficient food for China s population of 500 million increasing rapidly by 15 million a year and for stimulating the national economy The CCP did not at this stage envisage a rapid