
The estimated population in thousands of people of city A

Last updated: 4/28/2023

The estimated population in thousands of people of city A

The estimated population in thousands of people of city A can be modeled by the function tal f t 15 1 03 where t is the number of decades 10 year period since 1980 knoutonut odi The estimated population in thousands of people of city B can be modeled by the function g t 0 4t 16 where t is the number of decades since 1980 Part A Complete this table showing both estimated population values rounded to the nearest tenth for each city based on the number of decades since 1980 1 Decades Since 1980 n 2 Decades Since 1980 3 Estimated 0 1 2 3 4 Part B Using the table in Part A complete this table showing population increases in hundreds of people each decade Populations of Cities A and B City A City B thousands of people thousands of people 15 15 5 15 9 16 4 16 9 16 16 4 16 8 17 2 17 6 Population Increases from Previous Decade for Cities A and B Increase of City A hundreds of people f n f n 1 Increase of City B hundreds of people g n g n 1