The figure below is from the Centers for Disease Control and
Last updated: 3/31/2023

The figure below is from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Which statement correctly interprets the dat presented Percent Age Adjusted Prevalence of High LDL Cholesterol Among Adults Aged 40 74 by Sex and Age United States 1976 1980 to 2007 2010 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 27 1976 1980 1908 1904 2001 2004 2007 2010 31 Total Ages 40 64 Ages 65 74 Men Women Sostkamuung Inerted p 0 05 NOTES High LDL chords mesured ve above the bestment que estoshed by the National Choward Education Programs Adult Teement Pa pudenes Estimates are age added by the suctmetot to the US cnis population using age groups 40 64 and 65 74 Souros COCACS Nato His and Button Examination Survey 2010 Gaynon Inc O Men tend to have higher cholesterol levels than women The standard deviation for the cholesterol level of men is greater than the standard deviation of women O Cholesterol levels tend to decrease as people reach their 60s and 70s K