
The following data set provides information about the City

Last updated: 6/17/2023

The following data set provides information about the City

The following data set provides information about the City of Somerville Assessors Valuation for the fiscal year 2016 Building Type Condominium Condominium Condominium Condominium Condominium Condominium Condominium Residential Residential Land Area in Acres Provide your answer below standard deviation A1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 05502755 0 03826905 Help Living Area 792 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1818 1400 1280 1850 1089 892 2296 1620 Copy to Clipboard Total Assessed Land Value fx For commercial buildings what is the sample standard deviation of the living area Round your answer to the nearest hundred not hundredth 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 395800 345400 Download CSV FEEDBACK Building Type 395800 345400 A C F B D G 1 Building TlLand Area Living Are Total Asse Total Assessed Parcel Value 2 Commerci 0 208609 3 Commerci 0 217516 4 Commerci 5 547498 5 Commerci 0 186823 6 Commerci 0 552273 7 Condomir 318 625900 730700 3630 423700 741100 59506 10253200 13547100 3780 293300 460200 22017 681300 1214000 1776 0 579500 8 Condomir 0 512100 9 Condomir 0 578900 10 Condomir 11 Condomir 1270 2076 1132 957 1128 1235 1264 678 0 281800 0 266800 481100 12 Condomin 0 0 0 13 Condomir 14 Condomin 470400 442500 0 244300 15 Condomir 16 Condomir 0 323800 0 500000 17 Condomir 18 Condomir 19 Condomir 792 1818 1400 1280 1850 1089 892 0 473000 0 328100 0 644900 0 477300 20 Condomir 21 Condomir 22 Condomir 0 372900 23 Residenti 0 055028 2296 24 Residenti 0 038269 1620 Total Assessed Parcel 746200 557800 MORE INSTRUCTION 323800 500000 473000 328100 644900 477300 372900 746200 557800 SUBMIT