
The following data set provides information of the 20

Last updated: 6/23/2023

The following data set provides information of the 20

The following data set provides information of the 20 largest cities by population to compare 2000 to 2010 Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 City New York NY Los Angeles CA Chicago IL Houston TX 17 18 19 20 Philadelphia PA Phoenix AZ San Antonio TX San Diego CA Dallas TX San Jose CA 11 Louisville KY 12 Jacksonville FL 13 Indianapolis IN 14 San Francisco CA 15 16 Austin TX Columbus OH Fort Worth TX Charlotte NC Detroit MI El Paso TX 2000 Population 2010 Population 8 008 278 8 175 133 3 694 820 3 792 621 2 896 016 2 695 598 1 953 631 2 099 451 1 517 550 1 526 006 1 321 045 1 445 632 1 144 646 1 327 407 1 223 400 1 307 402 1 188 580 1 197 816 894 943 945 942 741 096 821 784 820 445 805 235 790 390 787 033 741 206 731 424 713 777 649 121 735 617 781 870 776 733 656 562 711 470 534 694 540 828 951 270 563 662 Duane is interested in investing in real estate in a major city It is important for him to know about the growth of the population so he does not invest in a stagnant area He is looking at assumed normally distributed growth since 2000 within the 20 largest cities This data set has a population standard deviation of 18 603 what is the minimum sample size to be 99 confident that the sample mean is within 100 of the true population mean Z0 10 20 05 Z0 025 2001 Zo 005 1 282 1 645 1 960 2 326 2 576 Use the table above for the z score Round only at the final step and remember to round up to the closest integer Provide your answer below Comments Achieved population peak in 2010 Achieved population peak in 2010 Achieved population peak in 2010 Achieved population peak in 2010 Achieved population peak in 2010 Achieved population peak in 2010 Achieved population peak in 2010 Achieved population peak in 2010 Achieved population peak in 2010 Achieved population peak in 2010 Achieved population peak in 2010 Achieved population peak in 2010 Achieved population peak in 2010 Achieved population peak in 2010 Achieved population peak in 2010 Achieved population peak in 2010 Achieved population peak in 2010